about me
My name is Johannes. I am 27 years old and live in Cologne Germany. Since 2017 I am studying at the TH Köln, a university for technology and arts. My field is „Medieninformatik„, a special part of computer science with focus of human-computer interaction. The planned finish is 2021 with a Bachelor of Science.
Before my time at TH Köln I was enrolled in Media Science in combination with media computer science at the University in Cologne for 3 years and left, to concentrate on computer science, because I found my love for developing software.
Beside my study I worked as student assistant at a marketing agency for pharmaceutical companies. There I supported the staff with the content management of websites. My knowledge of some HTML and CSS helped me very much.
After nearly five years I left the antwerpes ag to join a dev team at the Gothaer insurance company in Cologne. Since May 2020 I support the Java developers and take some load off them. There I can prove my Java development skills, as well as my experience with agile project management.
curriculum vitae
Abitur at Städtisches Gymnasium Olpe with an average grade of 1.7.
Federal Volunteer Service as support for the teachers at the „Johann Christoph Winters“ School for ill pupils.
Also vize speaker for the volunteers in Germany in the first generation of spokespeople for volunteers in Germany.
Study in the field of Mediascience and Media computer science, planned degree Bachelor of Arts, left without a degree.
Support with content management as student assistant at the web and marketing agency antwerpes ag in Cologne.
Science 2017 study of media computer science at the TH Cologne. Planned degree Bachelor of Science in 2021.
Together with yearslong friend I found the footage.inc productions, a small business for video production and associated software projects. Learn more at footageinc.de (german).
Support in a dev team at the Gothaer insurance company as student assistant.